ICE 2009

Yes, we are alive ¡!
July was an unforgettable experience. For the first time in history –well, in recent history at least- practitioners of different schools of thought and practice of Oriental Medicine went together with the explicit goal of exchange ideas and experiences in a framework of complete freedom.
We, the attendants, had the occasion of reviewing some basic concepts, like yi and its several possible significances, or taking another look to some aspects of the Lingshu, or hearing about potential ways to integrate Western concepts and ideas in the practice of acupuncture without renouncing to the most classical statements about this art. We also explored new ways to understand and use polarity, and had the opportunity to remember the bright and inspiring works of Dr. Manaka

So we had a lot of theory. But, and this was also original, we devoid a good amount of time to practice. The idea of this first workshop was that any presented theory must have a practical aspect. Any of the more or less beautiful theory exposed there was afterwards checked in practice. What is the use of being able to recite line after line of ‘the classics’ if we cannot use them in our daily practice?

We practice and practice. And for many of us, this was the most enjoyable part: the practice ambience was absolutely open and friendly, definitely non-jugdamental. Anyone of us was offering his/hers knowledge, experience, ideas and methods, and the result were a mutual enrichment, from the technical standpoint, of course, but also form a human and personal point of view.

Of course, this first meeting was also imperfect. We have ample margin to improve, and that is what we intend to do for next year, starting with what the attendants were king enough to signal to us. Also, this 2010 we will try to celebrate the meeting in a beautiful place outside Barcelona, where after the more ‘technical’ sessions we can enjoy the nature (including a not-so-natural swimming pool), have our meals together and favorise both a holyday time and a free, informal exchange of ideas (see for details about the place)

Just to whet your appetite, we are including some links where you can see and remember some of the presentations we had, as well as the paper where we exposed the core of the ICE workshops idea. We hope we will see you again in 2010, and if you were not here at that time, we wish to encourage you to share with us this unique experience.


Introducing: ICE Workshop
This is what we said, back there in 2009...

"You are already aware of the purpose of this meeting: we want to launch an open working space where we can learn, exchange experiences, and put some order in our own therapeutic experiences, all in an ambience of equality, openness and convivality.

Respect for the classics and drive to innovate will be the directing line in the process of integrating different standpoints and techniques, communicating among ourselves and expanding our fields from any perspective: intellectual, technical and personal.

Accordingly, the workshop will have a structure based upon practice and communication. With lectures reduced to a minimum to give ample way to the practice and an emphasis on open discussion on the results of these practices, we are also adopting the form of symposium round tables for some of the subjects and introducing several techniques of body/mind management to integrate the practice."


July, 3, Friday
9,00: Arrival, registration

9,30: Presentation of the workshop and general guidelines of development. Self-introduction of the participants (name, precedence, therapies/styles practised, etc.)

10,00: Lecture 1: Dr. Manaka’s methodology expansion.
Manaka’s extended method (S. Birch)
Testing procedures with polarity agents (S. Birch)
Discussion and practice design (all)

10,30: Tea/ coffe break

11,00: Practice on Lecture 1

12,30: Discussion on practice on Lecture 1. Conclusions (if any)

13,00: Lunch break

15,00: Round table 1: Subject: colours in TEAM: Acupuncture (general), Manaka, TYH (diagnosis), Herbs, Environment. Presentations, discussion and practice design
Panel : S. Birch, Susan Pfeifer

16,00: Practice on Round table 1

17,30: Discussion on practice on Round table 1. Conclusions (if any)

18,00: Tea/ coffee break

18,30: Body conscience & management techniques: Qigong, Yiquan, Taijiquan. Brief presentation, establishment of goals, practice. (Miquel Cabrer)

20,00: Closing up

July, 4, Saturday
9,00: Body work/ management

10,00: Lecture 2: Integration. Bridging between/combining/differentiating/choosing between Manaka’s Yin-yang channel balancing therapy and Meridian Therapy (including Toyohari) (S. Birch)
Discussion and practice design (all)

10,30: Tea/ coffee break

11,00: Practice on Lecture 2

12,30: Discussion on practice on Lecture 2. Conclusions (if any)

13,00: Lunch break

15,00: Round table 2: Subject: Integration. Coordinating different acupuncture styles. Coordinating acupuncture with Chinese herbs. Coordinating TEAM with other therapies (flower essences, homeopathy, Western medicine, etc.). Presentations, discussion and practice design
Panel: S. Birch, M. Rodríguez, Susan Pfeifer, F. Miralles, Others.

16,00: Practice on Round table 1

17,30: Discussion on practice on Round table 2. Conclusions (if any)

18,00: Tea/ coffee break

18,30: Round table 3: Subject: Miscellaneous. Presentation on two subjects of interest, with posterior discussion:
Lunar phases and its influence on diagnosis and treatment (Burt Wintjes).
Deqi and Qizhi. Historical appearance and evolution and practical aspects in the craft of acupuncture (E. Moreno, PhD)

20,00: Closing up

July, 5, Sunday
9,00: Body work/ management

10,00: Round table 4: Subject: role of mind/shen in TEAM. Concentration, mental focus, awareness in acupuncture, different ways to encourage mind/shen expansion, awareness, settlement. Implications, practical ideas, possible techniques
Panel: S. Birch, M. Cabrer, F. Miralles, M. Rodríguez, Others
Discussion and practice design (all)

11,30: Tea/ coffee break

11,30: Practice on Round table 4

13,00: Discussion on practice on Round table 4. Conclusions (if any).

13,30: Formal closing of the workshop.