ICE Workshop 2011

How did we do this year?

This year the nuclear topic was Rhythm and timing in the practice of Oriental Medicine.

We enjoyed of some very rich presentations approaching the subject from very different perspectives.

About Timing, there was “Concept of timing in China”, “the Yi Jing trigram light meter”, “Yi and Timing”, “energy flow through the Chakras and its relation to acupuncture”, brought to us by Miguel Ángel Cabrer, Stephen Birch, Reggie Jansen…

About Rhythm we had interesting experiences with the “Yoga’s approach to rhythm and movement”, “The movement of the masculine and the feminine”, brought to us by Fabià Corpas Torres…

We also had this open space for unrelated presentations, “Finding acupuncture points, a novel approach”

and “Combining Manaka and Meridian Therapy systems in practice, models to do that”, brought to us by Javier Martínez Belmonte and Stephen Birch.

And this year we introduced a new category: The Short

15-minutes presentations, an open space for those who have a meaningful brushstroke to share with their fellow practictioners; this time Blanca Rubí brought us “The role of stress”, a western based perspective showing how mainstream medicine is starting to broaden its view of this matter.

But we don’t come just to hear, we’re here to participate!

And that’s what we did.

Hands-on practice

After theory, came always practice. We were able to sense in our selves the switch of the open points, the distinctive characteristics of different cosmic-related flows, the meaning of rhythm and how fruitful it can be when applied in our awareness and then our practice.


Full participation was not limited to hands-on practice. Because 2 heads think better than 1, and many do better than just 2, we broke up into small discussion groups and shared our experiences and thoughts, deepening the analysis of each of these topics, extracting the highlights, and then sharing them in an open group discussion.

This rich experience of exchanging thoughts, perspectives and insights gave us the possibility to really bring some stuff home, to think about and digest.

Our practice benefits from our insights; we hope this process of digestion will continue throughout the year, and next year when we gather again, we’ll be able to exchange these enriched experiences.

And the venue propitiated the informal exchanges of ideas and experiences.

Located on the core of a natural park, this country house gave us plenty of space to relax into the nature, enjoy the swimming pool and breathe the clean air of the mountains in the vicinity of the Mediterranean Sea.

How does this continue?

Next 2012 we gather again!!

The dates and main topic will be announced within these next few months. Stay tuned!

We know the way forward it’s made of respect for the classics and the exchange with our fellow practitioners. We firmly believe this space of sharing and exchanging is needed in our field.

We hope to count you ON BOARD for this next gathering, and we’ll love to hear what you have to say.

Organizing team ICE Workshop - Barcelona.